
Pre-conference meeting

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of IPCC2020 organizing committee, we would like to announce that these pre-conference meetings below are now ready for sign up. People who are interested in these meetings and willing to attend, please contact the chair of each meeting. Please note that the content of these meeting is independent from IPCC2020 organizing committee, please contact the chair directly when you have any question.


Pre-conference meeting 1

Name of the meeting Melanin Chemistry and Biophysic
Date June 17 (Wed) 9:30am - 3:00pm
Chair Prof. Kazumasa Wakamatsu
Email address kwaka@fujita-hu.ac.jp

Pre-conference meeting 2

Name of the meeting Vitiligo International Guidelines meeting
Date June 17 (Wed) 12:30pm - 3:30pm
Chair Prof. Alain Taieb
Email address alain.taieb@u-bordeaux.fr

Pre-conference meeting 3

Name of the meeting Research career pathway session for postdocs and PhD students
Date June 17 (Wed) 12:30pm - 3:00pm
Chair Dr. Aida Sanchez-Bretano Sanchez
(Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the University of Southampton)
Email address asbs1n18@soton.ac.uk