
Call for Abstract

Call for papers

Abstract Submission

Please submit your abstract from the button below.

submission has now been closed.

※Abstract submission for travel awards
Please click the following URL. Thorough details are available.

Abstract Submission Procedure

Please click the "Abstract Submission" at the top of this page.

1. Abstract Submission Process

Create an Account
New Submission
  1. Click the "Create an Account" button at the end of Login page.
  2. Follow the page's instruction and fill-in your information.
  3. Input the title and abstract of your submission.
  4. If all information you have entered is correct, complete your submission by pressing the 'Save' button.
  • If you have additional abstracts to submit, please return to the top page and repeat the whole procedure by clicking "New Submission".

For inquiries about abstract submission:

Congress Coordinator
Do Convention Inc.
E-mail: ipcc2020-office@umin.ac.jp

Please note that only full papers are published in the conference proceedings, and abstracts are used for reviewing whether they are suitable for the conference.

Paper Deadlines

Abstract Submission Site Open September 03, 2019
Abstract Submission Deadline December 11, 2019, 11:59pm
(JST, GMT+09:00)

→January 14, 2020, 11:59pm
(JST, GMT+09:00)
→January 17, 2020, 11:59pm
(JST, GMT+09:00)

→submission has now been closed.
Abstract Acceptance Notification February 28, 2020

Presentation Style

Offers two styles of presentation:Oral or Poster Presentation

Abstract Topic Categories

Please select one of the following topic category:

  1. Melanoma: basic research
  2. Melanoma: clinical research and therapy, prevention etc
  3. Melanocyte biology
  4. Melanin: biology and biochemistry
  5. Vitiligo: basic and clinical aspects
  6. Albinism
  7. Inherited pigmentary disorders
  8. Photobiology and devices
  9. Acquired pigmentary disorders
  10. Hair pigmentation
  11. Evolution and pigmentary systems
  12. Regenerative medicine and the skin
  13. Crossroads of neuroscience and pigmentation
  14. Pigmentation as a signature of evolution
  15. QOL of patients with melanoma and pigmentary disorders
  16. Others

Notification of Abstract Submission Receipt

Once the abstract is submitted, notification of abstract receipt will automatically be sent to submitter's registered e-mail address.
If you do not receive the above, please contact to IPCC2020 secretariat (ipcc2020-office@umin.ac.jp).

Notification of Acceptance

All abstracts submitted will be reviewed, and then the first author will be notified of the decision by the February 28, 2020 via their registered e-mail.
The final decision of the acceptance is left to the Program Committee.

Conference Registration

We would recommend prompt registration to IPCC2020 after you submit your abstract.